Things About My Mom That Are Awesome


As American Mother's Day prepares to rear it's flowery, present-filled head, let's take a few moments to commemorate the women who raised us. There are many awesome things about my mom, here are a few:
  1. She can make a mean casserole. Chili beans + tamales + Doritos = South of the Border Yummers
  2. Her affinity for red pants. So there.
  3. The fact that she is not afraid to yell at the teenagers who just budged in line in front of you at Disney World. Not that I appreciated this at the time.
  4. The fact that she considers a road trip from Minnesota to Alaska an appropriate way to celebrate her retirement. To be followed by a year later by a month in New Zealand and Australia
  5. We both like to talk to animals.
  6. Her two favorite TV shows are Arrested Development and Antiques Roadshow
  7. When I asked her if she would be sad if I never got married and had children she said "Heavens no! I just want you to be happy!"
What's fantastic about your mum?

Posted by Sarah Von


olla said...

My mother has the best style of anyone I know personally.
She raised 3 kids all by herself.
She's goofy and refined at the same time.
In the past 3 years I've noticed how she has taken it upon herself to improve herself.
I should have listened to a lot of the things she told me.
She knows how to have a good time.
I could go to a bar with her (and I have) and it doesn't feel weird at all.
She's luxurious. When I was a kid, I thought she was a queen.

Erin said...

She's funny.
She's generous (still sends packages at all minor holidays, usually featuring candy and a well-chosen clothing item).
She keeps up our family traditions--namely buying everyone (including my hubs) new Christmas pjs every year.
She's really Irish (like, talks with an accent and everything), and because of that, I got to live in Ireland for three years as a kid.
She is often ridiculous--mainly I'm referencing her love for outrageous action movies.

Scribbles said...

My mum took on one of the rarest forms of breast cancer and kicked its ass... for that alone, plus so much more, she rocks.

Unknown said...

My mom kept us out past midnight almost every night of the week at the skating rinks she owned and managed while working a day job to put us through private schools. I still laugh about the fact that my private school thought we were heathens because my mom let us run wild and listen to rock music, but they sure wouldn't quit taking our money.

Ms Constantine said...

Man, I love my Mum so much. More than anyone else.
* Mum is always so proud and encouraging of everything me and my siblings do.

* She always made sure we were cared for and had everything we needed even though we had no money growing up.

* She's almost always right.

* She never treated my Dad like he was a bad guy after he cheated and left. Even though it was a terrible bad guy thing to do. They talk like old friends at my brothers league games.

* Mum picks up on the slang my siblings that are still at home use and uses it too. Sometimes they think it's embarrassing, but most of the time it's awesome.

Anonymous said...

- She's done her fair share of globe trotting.
- She lived in Panama for 3 years.
- She used to be able to translate Morse Code...really really fast.
- She's a feminist and an environmentalist (though oddly still conservative...)
- She went to every high school football game to see me perform during half time.
- She helped put me through college.
- She beat cancer!

Jezzabelle Giggles said...

mum always had warm hands... and a perfect smile =)
i miss my mummy

Vixel said...

- She inspired my love of good food and helped me learn to cook.
- I am in awe of her ability to strike up converstions with complete strangers.
- She's not afraid to give me the criticism I need at times, even if I may not appreciate it at the moment it's said.
- She always fills me in on all the family gossip!

Deeploveandsweetingrunnings said...

1. She always welcomes a good gossip and updates me frequently on the family goss

2. She'd do anything for me. She goes without alot of things, just so i can be comfortable

3. Shes the most giving person i know, seriously. She'd give you the shirt off her back if you asked her nicely

4. She sometimes suprises me with little gifts, like scented candles or lollies or something like that

5. She has great style, even though she doesnt buy clothes often. When she does, she always looks amazing

6. She has fantastic hair

acacia said...

-she carried me around for 9 months (and i was a fat baby)
-when she wants something to taste better, she covers it in cheese
-she lets me cut her hair
-she draws neat suns on the side of papers
-she thinks i'm good at everything
-she buys me beer
-she is the sweetest person i know

Anonymous said...

-My mom always makes hilarious perverted jokes. Even some that make my boyfriend blush.

-She has beautiful hair.

-She always let me decorate my room however I wanted, even if it involved taking something off the shelves downstairs.

-She let me borrow jewelry.

-She always talked to me like I was an adult.

-She's a librarian and is so good at her job. She knows everyone's name that comes in, even their book preferences.

-She watches the Animal Planet and cries whenever an animal gets killed.

-No matter how many strays wandered the house during my childhood, she always fed them.

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