Things I Love About My House

Darcie lives in St. Paul with her husband and two cats in a tiny house. She has a semblance of a five-year plan and a career in Marketing while she waits for the perfect job as a barista and bean roaster or to become independently wealthy. She thinks she's really funny and is not above listing "Sarcasm" right next to "Farmer's Markets, Home Improvement and Live Music" as a personal interest on her professional resume

There is a tree in the back yard that blossoms with thousands of pink flowers every spring. On a perfect, sunny spring day I lay in the hammock there and read. Nothing beats it.

Those sweet little bluebells that I didn't plant and that grow on the east side of the house, where the hose is, are a tiny detail about my house that just makes it cuter every time they show up. I know they are there, but I'm still always surprised when they bloom each summer.

The smart nooks and crannies built with a forethought to the design. In such a tiny, tiny house every square foot matters. They make me feel like I've got something that is special and secret and that there is a place to put it.

I love that the inside matches the outside. Outside: cream with green trim. Inside: medium gray with green trim. And the cleverly chosen hue of pumpkin yellow for the living room ceiling. Wow, that color combination sounds horrible in theory! But it's so warm and inviting and fresh in real life. It makes you feel like the lights are always on. I never could have come up with it on my own.

The new floors that my hubsbund and I installed ourselves. The first home renovation project we really ever completed together. We're still married and still in love even though he didn't know how to really use a table saw and I was a backseat-table-saw-operator.

I love that our friends join us every summer, dozens of times for backyard bar-bee-ques. Sometimes they end up being events with fifteen people or more, but my favorites are off the cuff with two or three friends who pop in at the last minute...and then the whole shebang ends with bonfire and beers and laughter under the night sky.

The best thing of all the things I love about my house is the feeling I get on occasion when pulling up to park in front after a day at work. I loiter for a minute in the car, look over to the house and think about the last six years spent in it. The fact that we haven't moved an inch, but we've gotten so far. I'm so lucky!

What do you love about your living space?


Sarah Von Bargen said...

I just moved into a new place! And I know that lurking beneath the bad paint job and layers grime, there lurks a gem. What do I love?

- The fire escape outside my office window, just waiting for pots of basil and cherry tomatoes

- hardwood floors. Sure, they need a good oiling. I'm not above getting down on my hands and knees with a bottle of mineral oil

- the trees crowding my bedroom windows. Because I'd rather look at leaves than at the parking lot or my neighbor's back yard

- All the huge Victorian houses on my block.

- The fact that I live 7 blocks from my office, my favorite Vietnamese restaraunt and the best Salvation Army in the metro area!

Eyeliah said...

the location.
the view.

Anonymous said...

I live on a dirt road.
There is a lilac bush in my side yard.
The size of my yard is HUGE!
Lots of bay windows.
All the memories I've made in this house.

Kind of sad now. We just put our house of for sale =[

empty purse said...

- My roof-top - and all the cool things you can do on a roof-top! BBQs, camping out, romantic dinners under the stars, sunbathing,parties, photo-shoots....

- Location - it's right between a massive beautiful park (with tennis courts, cafe, playground and a huge lake with ducks) and the sea-side (arcades, a fun park, all the sea-side food you could want, a sea-life centre)

- My craft room - it's all mine and has an adjoining loo, hooray!

sarah von said...

Wow, empty purse! I am totally jealous! Are you in the states?

Anonymous said...

The fact that its all mine (post divorce)
The balcony - although I live in a flat I can at least step out into fresh air
Two floors - its a flat/maisonetter but I can still go upstairs to bed
My newly decorated spare room - designed perfectly to suit my needs (room for crafting, sofa bed & lots of storage)
Soon to be my bedroom - when I've finished decorating it!

Lana said...

I love our "tin can", also known as "the Airstream we've been living in for almost four years".

Like Darcie says, smaller is better sometimes, but only if there are enough built-in cubbies to hold all the goods.

And I, too, sometimes sit in front of the house, marveling at the fact that I've lived here longer than I've lived anywhere since I left my parents' house 13 years ago.

That, and the fact that I'm required to have pink flamingoes in the front yard.

maya said...

That its all mine! I can leave my craft/art supplies all over and no one will complain.

I can leave coffee mugs in every room if I like.

I can do loud laundry at 2am if I choose. I can decorate how ever I like. :o)

I live 5min from the beach, 30min from Table Mountain and 15min from a beautiful magical forest, all in Cape Town, South Africa

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