Websites that are the Devil (THE ACTUAL SATAN)

Cute pic, right?!  Check it out here!

I just moved into a new place that I love, and one of the biggest temptations is to go on a crazy home decor shopping spree to make my digs "perfect".  Of course, said shopping spree is probably not the best idea since I now have this little thing called a mortgage to pay.  So, while I've set myself on a budget and am FORCING myself to be patient, it seems there are a ton of websites and stores that are actively seeking to get me kicked out of my homey little Garden of Eden.  Here are the Satans in no particular order: you know when you change your address, you can request a coupon to be sent to you from  Good idea, right?  WRONG.  Every day, I get an enticing e-mail from them saying, "Here's your 10% coupon.  Did we mention we're having a ridiculous sale on our already stupidly cheap stuff?"  And every day I must. resist. the. temptation.  (Kudos to them, though...when I tweeted about my dilemma, they immediately responded back with, "We'll try our best to not be so tempting, but we're not making any promises... ;-)".  Ha!), so this isn't a housewares store, but part of the problem with being on a budget is that well, you can't be like, "Oh, I won't spend money on new bedding, but I WILL buy new spat boots."  Yeah, it doesn't work that way.  But Piperlime, you Devil.  You like to send me "buy this look" stuff with adorable military jackets which make me no longer care that I don't have a toilet paper holder in the bathroom yet.  Sigh.

TJMaxx/Marshalls--Also not technically a website, but still...I cannot enter those stores right now.  I just can't. CB2 with your cute little slat rings and knitted poufs and clever clocks.  Go back to your firey pit, Lucifer.

Design*Sponge--At least D*S isn't a shopping site, but geez, the cute rooms, DIY tutorials and decorating ideas are giving my poor Virgo brain overload.  And THEN I'm like, "Well, Lowe's doesn't really count as home decor shopping because it's technically a SUPPLY store."  Slippery slope, friends.  Slippery slope.

What websites are the Devil to you?

Posted by The Naked Redhead


magnolia said...

amazon. (tech supplies).

but mainly amazon. god, i adore that site, and it takes ALL my money.

Suniverse said...

I had to put all my shopping [for self and home] feeds on sabbatical for a while. It's too tempting to see all the GORGEOUS things from stores and cute websites and realize you cannot buy anything. I don't have that much self-control.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I know exactly what you're talking about. All reason flies out the window when your shopping online. My name is Dandy and I am an Amazonaholic. Darn those kindle books!!

The Naked Redhead said...

Augh! Kindle books are the devil! I forgot about that. Seriously...I cannot even tell you how many books I've purchased in the last five months, but it's a lot, and I'd have WAY more money now had I not purchased them. Yikes.

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