For the betterment of all. But mainly me.

You know how you're always trying to make yourself a more grown-up type person?  By you, I mean me, but really, if people in general would just follow my rules, I think everyone would be happy.  Wait, that's a whole different issue..

Anyway, there are things about myself that I think I need to start doing so that I can feel like a grown-up, but I just can't seem to get myself there.  Maybe one day I'll be able to:

Fill up the washer fluid in my car.  I love to use it to clean my windshield, but when the car tells me it's low, I stop using it until I get my oil changed and someone else can take care of that.  Or the husband does it.  I'm sure I could, theoretically, take care of this, but really? It's pretty dirty and I already wash my hands enough.

Open a credit card bill without wincing.  This is not because I am a profligate spender, but rather because during an extended period of unemployment, we ended up charging things like food and gas.  Still, I would love to be in a position where I can be a big girl and open the bill and not lose my cool.  Maybe that's less being a grown-up than it is being completely apathetic.  Hmmm.

Actually taking care of the back corner of the yard. Which has become a complete jungle.  Seriously.  Woodland creatures are scampering around in there.  I know it wouldn't take too long to get it taken care of, but I feel like someone else is responsible.  Some grown-up who is better skilled at getting in and doing what needs to be done.  I wonder what my mom is doing?

Confess, friends, what would make you feel like a grown-up?

by Suniverse


magnolia said...

ugh, i am so with you on the credit card thing. divorcing was hell on my personal finances, and i still cringe when i pay those bills. and my student loans haven't even come due yet...

Natalie said...

Having a plethora of ingredients in my pantry and fridge with which to cook proper meals. Imagine, for a moment, the meal selection of your average four-year-old. Yup, that's pretty much my go-to shopping list. (Big ups to string cheese, peanut butter crackers, grapes, and cold cereal). I like to chalk it up to be single...but who am I kidding? Whoever I marry better be content with playground fare.

Suniverse said...

Magnolia - I think it becomes even more offensive when the credit card debt isn't due to fun and games. And please don't mention student loans. Ugh.

NatalieCottrell - That. Is. Awesome.

Liz said...

I've noticed most other grown ups don't have a consistent clean laundry pile. I've attempted to purchase the appropriate accouterments, like a dresser, hangers, and what have you. But for some reason, despite my best intentions week after week, clothes seem to live in a heap on the floor.

Anonymous said...

I am the SAME way about the windshield washer fluid.
And the clothes in a heap.
And the four-year-old grocery list.

Oh man, I need to grow up, stat.

GrandeMocha said...

I can't parallel park.

I don't understand what makes my car go. I put gas in it & hope for the best. People have tried to explain it to me.

I can't cook either. I made bread last week & we fed it to the woodlands creatures. It was too salty.

Things that make me a grown up: I graduated from college, bought a house on my own, survived cancer, raised two cats to 17 years.

Belle said...

I'm lacking SO many grown up skills. At the moment a big problem for me is motivating myself to wash the dinners immediately after dinner. Usually I collapse on the lounge and go into a Community/30 Rock/Dawson's Creek-induced haze before finally doing a half-arsed job at midnight.

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