Things That I Accomplished in 2008

Now that I've written it all down, I don't feel nearly as guilty about those nights spent eating noodles with butter, watching Boston Legal.

Now you! Readygo! I can't wait to hear about it.

Posted by Sarah Von


Bridey said...

Now that's an impressive list!

Some of the things I accomplished in 2008:
- Lived in New Zealand for four months
- Saw Rage Against the Machine live
- Visited nine new countries
- Rode an elephant in Thailand
- Lived in Northern Ireland for two months
- Tried a space cake in Amsterdam
- Explored castle ruins in Ireland
- Lived in a tent for one month while travelling through France & Italy
- Spent an afternoon floating in an Italian lake in the middle of summer
- Lived in London for four months
- Saw a Shakespearean play at the Globe Theatre
- Explored the catacombs in Paris
- Wrote a 50,000 word novel in 30 days
- Had 5 different jobs in 3 different countries

Anonymous said...

Aww, I haven't accomplished nearly as much.

-Traveled alone for the first time by train from Michigan to North Dakota.
-Finally visited Canada.

hokay, 2008 wasn't a year of accomplishments. It was a year of good memories though. Perhaps next year will be better.

Songy said...

- started blogging
- stopped using Auto modes for my cameras
- got a new job with a six figure income! yeepee

Not much else.

Oh I love your blog design. How awesome. I should think about doing something different now.

Taiwan? Umm I can imagine.. there's just too much political tension and stuff.

Vixel said...

1. I graduated
2. I gained a place on a Graduate Diploma in Law
3. Started a blog I'm really proud of
4. Started writing for this fabulous blog!
5. Developed a taste for blue cheese

Mandy said...

1. Finished up my six month stint of living in London
2. Visited rural France, Austria, Germany, Belgium, and the Southwest of the USA
3. Returned home and reconnected with lots of friends
4. Found an apartment I love in my fave part of LA
5. Got a job! A real life job!
6. Threw a successful Christmas party
7. Actually decorated my apartment in a slightly grown up style.
8. Was interviewed for the college radio station where I work about studying abroad. I was also filmed for the video portion of the campus newspaper
9. Saw my fave Dodger hit his first major league home run.
10. Also went to a rained out Dodger game (very rare in sunny LA) and one in which they won while not actually posting a hit. It was a weird year for me going to baseball games.
11. Went on a date where I actually wasn't friends with the guy before. It was kind of random, but I'm glad I took the chance.

Rachel Angevine said...

My accomplishments weren't very grand this year because I had to take so many classes, but I still had a great year.

1. Completed 33 credits toward by bachelor's degree in marketing (only 27 to go!!!)
2. Visited Seattle twice.
3. Visited Portland for the first time!
4. Went on my first business trip and stayed in a hotel by myself for the first time.
5. Took my first U.S. train ride from Portland to Seattle.
6. Got a raise!
7. Lost 10 pounds
8. Finished reading all of the Bond books by Ian Fleming.
9. Went to Kanye's Glow in the Dark Tour with Jen!
10. Learned how to play lacrosse
11. Baked a pie for the first time (got to cross that off my Bucket List)
12. Bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding : )
13. Started blogging again
14. Voted in my second presidential election
15. Read some really good books.

Anonymous said...

1. Finished my M.A. in English
2. Found a job in Texas while I was living in Cleveland finishing my degree
3. Moved to Texas. Yeah, I consider a 1,500-mile move an accomplishment
4. Got married
5. Wrote the first draft of a novel
6. Got a raise at said job

Rebecca said...

01. Finally attended the ANZAC Day parade.
02. Bought an apartment.
03. Had my research published.
04. Started more postgraduate study.
05. Bought a Wollemi pine for my Christmas tree.

Anonymous said...

01. Went tailgating at a real college.
02. Learned to love the margarita.
03. Lost my job (but didn't get upset about it).
04. Moved home (also not upset about that).
05. Visited Chicago for the first and second times.
06. FINALLY saw DMB live!
07. Applied to grad school.
08. Voted in person.
09. Became obsessed with Nintendo DS.
10. Started blogging again. :)

Bridey, I am ridiculously jealous of your 2008. I hope my 2009 is half as exciting!

Anonymous said...

Haha the funny thing from that list is that I work at the glacier guiding company where you hiked ;-) Whoop! Franz Josef Glacier Guides is making a list!!! XD

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