My Favourite Internet Trends

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Ok, so these may not be trends on the Internet alone, but they certainly seem prevalent Online, particularly in the blogosphere. I never used to be the type to follow trends, but I've totally embraced the following:

  1. TiLT - Things I Love Thursday, started by Miss Gala Darling. I barely ever miss one and when I do I feel like there's something of a void in my week - I really appreciate it as an excuse to think only about the good things!
  2. Cupcakes - I've always loved them, but they weren't really at the forefront of my consciousness until everyone started eating / photographing / gushing about them online! Now I get cravings!
  3. Mineral Make-up - Bright colours made from natural ingredients, what could be better?
  4. "Keep Calm and..." - Yes, those posters that are everywhere at the moment! I really want a "Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake" poster, and perhaps "Get Excited and Make Things" to go above my desk.
  5. Steampunk - Crinolines, brass goggles and pocket watches - I totally love the aesthetic!

What Online trends have you embraced?

1 Comment:

Unicorns For Socialism said...

I've grown fond of INTERNET SLANG, like "meh," "teh," "win,""fail," and so forth.

I am obsessed with DAILY OUTFIT posts, regardless of who posts them.

It seems like UNICORNS are staging a major comeback, thanks in part to the 'net.

Hmmm ... entire websites dedicated to LISTS! That's an online trend I can definitely embrace. :)

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