6 Ways To Get Through A Tough Time

Vicki works in the non-profit sector, and is a wannabe blogger, a reluctant consumer, a long-distance champion sleeper, a music junkie and a television zombie. She blogs at The Queen of Small Adventures.

It's almost springtime and for those of us whose life circumstances do not exactly match the sunny and bright forecast, here are a few suggestions to help you work your way through the hard times.

1. Engage your support system
when things get rough, call on those who can support you- your mom or significant other can support you physically with a hug, your BFF with a good cry or even your kid sister for a good angry vent.

2. Get a mentor
if you are afflicted with more long-term issues that can't simply be solved with a hug (if only they all could be), consider calling on that acquaintance who've you always been in awe of for their business savvy or that awesome couple at church who seem to have this relationship thing down and see if they'd be open to going for coffee sometime.

3. Be kind to yourself
when things are just straight-up overwhelming, remember to be kind to yourself- rather than beating yourself up for needing to excuse yourself to the ladies room for a good afternoon cry, just go cry. and then take yourself out for ice cream later. I find myself taking a lot of hot baths (very soothing) or drinking alone, that is enjoying a bottle of wine by myself at home on a Friday night to relax from the week, rather than feeling like I have to go out and be appropriately social.

4. Forgive and be forgiven
If you feel you've been wronged somehow- at work or in relationship or whatever, remember that it takes a great deal of emotional energy to stay angry or hold a grudge. And honestly, its probably better to let it go than to let it fester. I recently had to do this in regard to a work situation, and although it was difficult to let go of being 'right' in that instance, apologizing for my bad attitude has greatly cleared the air and makes going to work much more pleasant.

5. Get to work.
No matter the bad situation: debt a mile high? a shitty work situation? cheating boyfriend? expensive car repair? make a plan as to how to solve it and then stick to that plan. Debt? figure out if you need to spend less or earn more to dig yourself out. Need a new job? update your resume and start shopping it! buy shiny new business cards! join a networking group! And, if you can't figure out how to fix it, call on that support system or your new mentor to lend some insight or assistance.

6. Remember that this too, shall pass.


Kalei's Best Friend said...

Journal it, it really helps...Discover a new interest- nothing beats diversion also u will be learning something new...

Vicki May Thorne said...

ooh yes, journaling- I need to do more journaling.

Yay, thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

"This, too, shall pass." I need to put that on a tee shirt. Or a bra. Something to remind me daily of its truthiness.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the negative nelly, but it's kind of frustrating when people assume one HAS a support system.

For those with a toxic family, or singletons, or those who have just moved and not met friends yet...what support system should they call on?

Probably for most people it is good advice...but for those who need help most, it is often inadequate and salt in the wound. I've felt that way sometimes.

Just saying...much love, and keep up a great blog!

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