Celebrities Who Can Stop Hitting The Gym And Start Hitting The Twizzlers
My opinion may not be the most popular, but aesthetically speaking, I'm drawn to guys who are -- to use the euphemism that's all the rage on salad dressing labels these days -- full-flavor. Some people just look decidedly sexier with a little meat on their bones. Ignoring the obvious cases (the luminous Ms. Winslet!) and celebrities who are tragically gaunt due to eating disorders (poor Lindsay Lohan -- remember when she used to be beautiful?), here are a couple famous dudes I'd encourage to order their French toast a la mode.

Vince Vaughn. Oh Vince, with your double chin, receding hairline and general air of mugshottiness -- you wear your dishabille like Dior. Like Hollywood really needed just another strong jawline.

You guys, go eat some onion rings. I promise you'll still be hot afterwards. In fact, they may just make you hotter. Any celebrities you think look mouth-watering when they're carrying a few extra pounds?
Posted by TKOG of Not That Kind Of Girl.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
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I am a very petite woman (4'8" and 76 lbs) but I have to say there are quite a few celebs who seriously need to eat a few cheeseburgers. I agree that some people just look better with some meat on their bones. One that comes to mind would be Star Jones. She looked gaunt and 15 yrs older when she lost her weight.
One Hollywood celeb I am absolutely in lust with is Orlando Bloom. Those eyes, that smile...swoon, but I do believe that even beautiful Orlando needs to eat a cheeseburger once in awhile.
In general I totally agree. But that thinner picture of Vaughn you have there....oh my...
He kind of looks like Dally from The Outsiders. Dally is one character that would make me write fan fiction. With me in it.
As his lover.
Love a fluffy Oprah! Also, loves a Lindsay Lohan circa "Mean Girls".
James Spader. Definitely, definitely James Spader. Also, pretty much the entire cast of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
I love big Oprah too. And I wish she loved big Oprah enough to just stay that way because honestly, she DOES have all those resources and if she is still that nice curvy empress size maybe she is just MEANT to be that way. Duh. I'd like it if she communicated that to all the women out there (and boy are there a lot of us) who look like her and are healthy and happy and not meant to be matchstick sized either.
No offense to the matchsticked-sized of course! Everyone can be healthy at a size that is comfy for their body and should be accepted that way.
Wow, I agree with you on every single one of these. Oprah is so radiant now compared to her earlier self. I marvel every single time I see her.
"Full flavor", eh? Um, loving that. Must use, and will. I'm with you on all of these, expect V. Vaughn. I consider him more adorable as the plump version and more someone-I-would-bang-just-once-if-I-wasn't-a-married-chick as his skinnier self. Either way, I heart him.
I wish more public figures would fight against mass media's glorification of unrealistic body types, if only to relieve some of the psychological burden on our young people. I admire actresses like Kate Winslet, Christina Hendricks, Queen Latifah and Mo'nique for emphasizing health above an absurdly narrow definition of beauty. And I agree that most of us look better with a couple extra pounds, including your the folks you mentioned.
Laura! I love Queen Latifah! Good addition to the list of hot full figures! (Not that everyone on this list is full-figured by any means -- a slightly heavier Jennifer Connelly is still below average weight, I'd wager).
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