If I were a hipster

Mar 19

"No time to marvel at his sheer luck: Larry just ran."

I recently came across the site UnhappyHipsters.com (via Sweet Juniper) and man did I get a good laugh. I often admire modern spaces and design ethics, but in reality they always feel so...unnatural...to me. I'm the kind of girl who needs a cushy couch and some honestly aquired patina on her furniture, because I inevitably scuff, spill and stain, and that just does not go with hipster fabulous. In fact, I'd like to rename this post Hipster Fabulous: Pretending to Be Casual But Extremely Specific in Reality.

Shiny floors of reclaimed or painted wood. What I really have is hard-wearing wood laminate, a dog and two cats. If you could see the amount of fur and dirt I sweep up every day, you'd understand why hipsters choose designer no-shed dogs over mutts. It's the floors. Trust me.

Expansive, curtainless windows. Our house has decent, cottage-style windows but our views are of our backyard neighbor's giant dog pen (privacy trees are in the works) and our driveway. Plus, I think one of our neighbors once saw me naked through our sliding glass door (long story); that is to say, our house is not perched atop some remote-but-not-too-remote forested ledge.

Extreme decor. All white home? Lime green cabinetry? Really cool in photos, but not so practical for the set who'd be interested in buying our subdivisional Cape Cod wannabe one day.

Do you guys admire any impractical hipster design?


abbey said...

I love that website. You may also like www.latfh.com. It will make you chuckle.

natasja said...

your blog is really lovely

bizong said...

Nice one! Keep em coming!

kim said...

yes i do. a lot of fashion falls into the same quality. like high heels, white jeans and itchy wool, don't you think?

cool blog by the way. i mean, who doesn't love lists?

XXX, Kim

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